Thursday, May 27, 2010

Revised Post-Final

Some Opinion
Lately I have been trying to understand humanity. While some people are dying for something to eat others are crying because they don´t have the lastest Blackberry model (Oh My God). I mean while some girls cry because their crush didn´t look at them others are sexually abused. Is that fair? For humanity it has become fair.

Good for those that received an education and those who have "good values". You have your freaking job and you bought what you wanted, and most importantly you only care about your life- that´s what it´s turned into, unfortunately. I´m so mad at people everywhere in the world, they just can´t stop being self centered. They just don’t seem to see that they are just a tiny part of the world. Can´t they see that the world is a DISASTER (yes a DISASTER)! It´s chaotic, violent, unfair, unjustand poor , we can´t conform with anything. Now a days we are greedy, we want more and more and more. It´s unstoppable and all we care about stupid problems while others don´t even have water or bread or ANYTHING to eat. Ugh, I´m tired of it, that's enough, the world doesn´t orbit around anyone OK? Not even you, by the way. The world was made for everyone to be happy, not just for SOME to be happy. While some people have a paradise like expierience in a hotel the people outside are begging to be taken seriously as human beings, as citizens of our world and our community. The only thing I can even conclude about this is that people or don´t know what real life is like or they are out of their minds. What I mean by this is that they admire so themselves so much they can´t think about others. They are selfcentered, selfish, ridiculous people, that don´t know the world they live in.

I hope you learn something from this and start taking action. Try to do something that will REALLY help the world not just YOURSELF.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Own Maxims

- Change is unstoppable, sometimes it´s sad, sometimes it´s not but at the end change will make your life better
-Change makes us Mature
- Change is a new moment in life that helps us see the things that really matter
-Loosing a loved one is like loosing a piece of yourself
-Love is the thing that makes you remember that other people are important
-People are important in your life because they complement it
-Love may be hard and confusing but anyways it always gives you a happy moment
-Friends are those that have enough patience to hang out with you, your obsessions and your foolishness
-Judging someone by the look shows that person is to selfish and sure of oneself, It shows that they don´t know what really matters in life
-Happiness depends on each person

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maus vs Night

Numbered List

"As freedom-loving people across the globe hope for an end to tyranny, we will never forget the enormous suffering of the Holocaust."(Bob Beauprez). Both Maus and Night are based on survivors of the Holocaust of the Second world War. Night is narrated by Elie Wiesel and he is telling his own story. Maus is narrated by Art Spiegelman telling his fathers story not his own.

In Maus Art´s dad has many money and is very intelligent doing shelters to hide so it takes a long time for Germans to recognize they are still in the ghetto and find them. In Night they just do whatever they are told to, they don´t have much money and don´t really know how to make hiding shelters. Basically Night is more general, more people lived what was said in Night than what was said in Maus. Not many people had the luck that Art´s dad and family had. Maus not only tells the story of his dad but he takes some places to show some of his story, which makes it weird and out of topic. Night instead is a bit more detailed in personal opinion it shows a bigger reality lived by many Jews, this makes it more interesting and more calling than Maus. Night simply portrays what happens to everyones feelings, what they felt in different situations and how they lost the want to keep on living. Maus still was good showing the way they would hide and how they their self´s out of the Holocaust with less personal wounds than those received by others. It also shows that both ghetto´s and concentration camps severely affected people sentimentally and mentally in many ways.Concentration camps of course where worse.

Finally in personal opinion Night is a more elaborate and detailed book. It shows a bigger reality and it´s enjoying to read. Maus is good but it doesn´t show the actual feelings of the characters and doesn´t make you feel as if you where there, it doesn´t make you feel that they are right that they where the victims of the war, it doesn´t make you feel the madness they felt for the war the want to make it stop. "Father God, we just ask You to open Your wide, wide arms and look down upon us, Lord, and lead us, and let us know what we should do to stop this, this terrible, terrible holocaust. "(Norma McCorvey)

The Holocaust was an unfair event many people lived where unfortunately many people died. People that had the right to live a happy life until the end. It´s sad that someone could create such suffering in so many people. It´s sad that someone could help him succeed "A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." (Albert Einstein).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Night-Response 5

I just finished Night. I really enjoyed reading this book, probably I hadn´t enjoyed any other book as much. I have read many Holocaust books due to my school teachers but never had I read one so good or one that felt so real and honest as being read.

While I was reading it I felt the same madness that Eliezer felt for the Germans the same sadness he felt when he couldn´t think about his family all he could think about was food, food, food. It was sad to see that the reality he was living wasn´t only for his family, it was even sadder to see that he faced his dad´s death facing it he was inmobile, unsad, with no feelings. All he did when his dad died was stare at him and then think that he wouldn´t have more pressure on him to help his father all he would have to think about was himself and HIS OWN survival. "I did not weep, and it pained that I could not weep. But I had no more tears. And, in the depths of my being, and in the recesses of my weakened conscience, could I have searched it, I might perhaps have found something like-free at last!" from his dad it´s depressing to hear those words coming from a son. Not only was this was sad but also reading that they lost their feelings and practically lost their life´s point, why would they want to keep on if suffering was the point of being in the camps the whole point for living?

The book has been a great experience I could say that no book had been so fun to read, I don´t like reading. It´s hard for me to sit down and read a book to enjoy so it´s a kind of miracle for me to like any kind of book. Although the whole book was enjoying I still hate the ending he doesn´t really finish telling his story "The look in his eyes,as they stared into mine, has never left me" he left me with questions like what happened next? how did you recover in life? did you find any friends of your´s after the tragedy? What?

In final conclusion I really liked the book but the ending left me with a huge disappointment, it left me totally confused and with a weird feeling.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Night-Response 4

Pages 62-80

"What are you my god, I thought angrily, compared to this afflicted crown, proclaiming to you their faith, their anger their revolt? What does Your greatness mean, Lord of the universe, in the face of all this weakness, this decomposition, and this decay? Why do you still trouble their sick minds, their crippled bodies?" A part fo what Elie feels about God, something that is totally understandable. He was tired of the hateful way they where being treated, the intolerable Germans feeling superior to them . God was supposed to save them from every horrible moment they where to live in any moment of their lives. God was to save them, to stop this unbearable genocide.

While I was reading on the chapter I made a connection woth the bible which we are reading in class to Elie was very mad with God about everything he has done in the past years, decades and days. "And I, mystic that I had been, I thought: Yes, man is very strong, greater than God. When you were decieved by Adam and Eve, You drove them out of paradise. When Noah´s generation displeased You, You brought down the Flood When Sodom no longer found favor in Your eyes, You made the sky rain down fire and sulphur. But these men here, whom you have betrayed, whom you have allowed to be totured, butchered, gassed, burned, what do they do? They pray before You! They praise Your name!" It´s impressive how convincing he can make such a simple thoght like this. He makes it believable and makes someway perfect for you to feel what he was feeling in that moment. He makes you understand the anger he was feeling towards him in that moment "I no longer accepted God´s silence" he was destroyed inside he was feeling like crap, he was loosing hope.

Probably the sadest part I´ve read in the book was when Elie thought he was going to be separated form his dad because he had been written to go to he crematory. Anyways the happiest part was when he found his dad sitting alone again, they werent separate. Elie makes his writing magic someway, he makes you experience his book as if you where living it.

QUESTions Answered
Where are we going?
In the last pages read the Russian army is getting near their concentration camp they are to be transported somewhere else. They don´t know where.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Night-Response 3

Pages 35-62
What can I say? This book is incredible it portrays everything Elie was feeling, he describes it all perfectly. The book is so good you can´t stop reading you want to know what will happen next you want to know how the Germans had the courage, where capable of being so atrocious. he makes the book calling he makes you feel like you are living it and feeling it. The want to read it is impossible to describe. He even gives you a relief and makes you see his moments of hope "Comrades you´re in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. There´s a long road of suffering ahead you. But don´t lose courage. You´ve already escaped the gravest danger: selection. So now, muster your strength, and don´t lose heart. We shall see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith. drive out despair, and you will keep death away from yourselves. Hell is not for eternity. And now, a prayer-or rather a piece of advice: let there be comradeship among you. We are all brothers, and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive. Enough said. You´re tired."

Reading this pages was simply heartbreaking it´s impossible to believe that something so awful could happen. It´s simply incredible how someone can find something pleasant in making someone suffer. It´s incredible that god (which they believed in) would let something like this happen "God is testing us . He wants to find out wether we can dominate our base instincts and kill the Satan within us . We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us rentlessly , it´s a sign that He loves all the more." I would be mad enough with god to say he loved me if I was in concentration camp. It´s simply incredible how they could keep the faith when all they lived for in those moments was suffering. I admire the strength Jews had in this moment, the force they had inside them to live althogh, they where scared and tired of living for pain.

QUESTions Answered
Why is life miserable for some people and great for others?
I think this is a question that was probabaly made by many of the Jews to themselves and one made by many people to theselves in this very moment. It´s unfair that not everyone can live a happy life.

Where are we going?
They didn´t know what was going to happen to them if they would die or not, if they would be happy, if they where going to suffer.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Response 2- Night

Page 20-35

In this part of the book Elie his family and other Jews are taken to wagons where they are cramped have barely any place to move any food or ways to be comfortable. They live unbearable moments they can´t breathe well they are given a watning by a German, if one escaped form the wagon the rest would be killed. Also some woman called Madame Schachter wouldn´t shut up and was screaming the whole time that there was fire everywhere, it was totally understandable she had gone crazy because she had been separated from her family. After days of traveling they get to Auschwitz there they are informed about the ovens. They where sowned that mercy wasn´t in their list and that for the "good" they where to be killed, after all they where to disspear stay in history forever. They are then seperated by gender and each leave to their side.

Let´s say this is an interesting story but it´s just like the rest I´ve heard about the Holocaust but, it has been interesting to see this from Elie´s personal perspective to see exactly what he was thinking and feeling in every moment lived. I still can´t believe that something like this could happen, that this Human Right Violation was so big and inhuman, that it was accepted by ANYONE.

Quotes form the pages read
"Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.
Never shall I forget that nocturnal silencewhich dprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as ###########. Never."

This qoute called my attention because it shows the heartache, the melancholy children and adults felt when they where in concentration camps it shows how their world became a nothing how it beame misery and loss and tears, tears of sorrow of lament of grief.

A QUESTion Answered in this part read

Why are we here?
I think this is a question that jews may have made to their selves, yes they where Jews but that isn´t a good enough reason to be in such horrific conditions. They also had the right to dream, to live, to enjoy, to occupy, to posses, to love.