Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Night-Response 3

Pages 35-62
What can I say? This book is incredible it portrays everything Elie was feeling, he describes it all perfectly. The book is so good you can´t stop reading you want to know what will happen next you want to know how the Germans had the courage, where capable of being so atrocious. he makes the book calling he makes you feel like you are living it and feeling it. The want to read it is impossible to describe. He even gives you a relief and makes you see his moments of hope "Comrades you´re in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. There´s a long road of suffering ahead you. But don´t lose courage. You´ve already escaped the gravest danger: selection. So now, muster your strength, and don´t lose heart. We shall see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith. drive out despair, and you will keep death away from yourselves. Hell is not for eternity. And now, a prayer-or rather a piece of advice: let there be comradeship among you. We are all brothers, and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive. Enough said. You´re tired."

Reading this pages was simply heartbreaking it´s impossible to believe that something so awful could happen. It´s simply incredible how someone can find something pleasant in making someone suffer. It´s incredible that god (which they believed in) would let something like this happen "God is testing us . He wants to find out wether we can dominate our base instincts and kill the Satan within us . We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us rentlessly , it´s a sign that He loves all the more." I would be mad enough with god to say he loved me if I was in concentration camp. It´s simply incredible how they could keep the faith when all they lived for in those moments was suffering. I admire the strength Jews had in this moment, the force they had inside them to live althogh, they where scared and tired of living for pain.

QUESTions Answered
Why is life miserable for some people and great for others?
I think this is a question that was probabaly made by many of the Jews to themselves and one made by many people to theselves in this very moment. It´s unfair that not everyone can live a happy life.

Where are we going?
They didn´t know what was going to happen to them if they would die or not, if they would be happy, if they where going to suffer.

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