Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Response 2- Night

Page 20-35

In this part of the book Elie his family and other Jews are taken to wagons where they are cramped have barely any place to move any food or ways to be comfortable. They live unbearable moments they can´t breathe well they are given a watning by a German, if one escaped form the wagon the rest would be killed. Also some woman called Madame Schachter wouldn´t shut up and was screaming the whole time that there was fire everywhere, it was totally understandable she had gone crazy because she had been separated from her family. After days of traveling they get to Auschwitz there they are informed about the ovens. They where sowned that mercy wasn´t in their list and that for the "good" they where to be killed, after all they where to disspear stay in history forever. They are then seperated by gender and each leave to their side.

Let´s say this is an interesting story but it´s just like the rest I´ve heard about the Holocaust but, it has been interesting to see this from Elie´s personal perspective to see exactly what he was thinking and feeling in every moment lived. I still can´t believe that something like this could happen, that this Human Right Violation was so big and inhuman, that it was accepted by ANYONE.

Quotes form the pages read
"Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.
Never shall I forget that nocturnal silencewhich dprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as ###########. Never."

This qoute called my attention because it shows the heartache, the melancholy children and adults felt when they where in concentration camps it shows how their world became a nothing how it beame misery and loss and tears, tears of sorrow of lament of grief.

A QUESTion Answered in this part read

Why are we here?
I think this is a question that jews may have made to their selves, yes they where Jews but that isn´t a good enough reason to be in such horrific conditions. They also had the right to dream, to live, to enjoy, to occupy, to posses, to love.

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